Art of Debating

We’re here to help you start your debating career

Welcome to Art of Debating

This website contains all the information you need to learn how to debate, from how to approach a motion for the first time to giving you professional debates to model your speeches after.


4+ Years Experience

Instructors have over 4 years of competitive debating experience

International Success

Have won multiple international debating competitions

Global Reach

Have successfully trained debaters from all around the world

Our Offerings

Debating Articles

We have many pages focused only on giving as much information as possible as concisely as possible

Debating Videos

We have picked out the most educational debating videos that will inspire new and upcoming debaters

1 Week Debating Camp

We host a thoroughly planned debating camp where you enjoy an immersive experience into the world of debating

Our Team

Hasit Nanda


The Debater and The Advisor

Rajas Nanda


The Debater and The Coder

Contact Us

We are here

Phone: +1 (212) 699-2534