2021 Art of Debating Summer Camp

Debate to your heart’s content!


I am excited to offer to you the opportunity to attend the 2nd Annual Art of Debating Summer Camp! The motivation behind this project is to give STEM oriented students the crucial communication skills which are often overlooked by traditional academic curriculum, through the medium of competitive debating. Debating provides the confidence and deliberate precision with which complex ideas can be communicated effectively. I have gained massively in terms of confidence and public speaking skill ever since I started debating and I believe that the aspects of general knowledge and argumentation are also skills which are incredibly useful to have when operating in the academic and professional world.


The debating camp will include 9 highly accomplished instructors: Hasit Nanda, Rajas Nanda, Maxwell DeLorenzo, Aarit Bhattacharya, Cees Armstrong, John Chang, Rohan Battula, Richard Kim, and Thomas Potter
Instructors are all competitive debaters in the UK British Parliamentary Circuit with over 3 years of experience and have had a great deal of success in multiple national and international tournaments


Art of Debating Summer Program 2021


The timeline of the one week debating summer program

31 July 2021
Day 1

There will be an introductory session with ice-breakers and informal debate discussions.

1 August 2021
Day 2

There will be a lecture delivered by one or more of the instructors on debating fundamentals and British Parliamentary format. Students will practice the skills taught, by participating in a competitive debate with their peers.

2 August 2021
Day 3

There will be a lecture delivered by one or more of the instructors on argument construction and rebuttal. Students will practice the skills taught, by participating in a competitive debate with their peers.

3 August 2021
Day 4

There will be a lecture delivered by one or more of the instructors on prep-time strategies and content generation. Students will practice the skills taught, by participating in a competitive debate with their peers.

4 August 2021
Day 5

There will be a lecture delivered by one or more of the instructors on the fundamentals of principled arguments. Students will practice the skills taught, by participating in a competitive debate with their peers.

5 August 2021
Day 6

There will be a lecture delivered by one or more of the instructors on strategy and weighing. Students will practice the skills taught, by participating in a competitive debate with their peers.

6 August 2021
Day 7

There will be a lecture delivered by one or more of the instructors on debating social movements. Students will practice the skills taught, by participating in a competitive debate with their peers.

7 August 2021
Day 8

There will be a lecture delivered by one or more of the instructors on debating religion. Students will practice the skills taught, by participating in a competitive debate with their peers.